You’re so proud to see them grow, you’re looking forward to a time when it’s not quite so exhausting, but it’s also bittersweet. Your little one isn’t a baby anymore and part of you wants to press the pause button and keep them this little for longer.
But whilst it’s so important to capture this time and preserve our memories, having a photo shoot with a toddler can be a little more challenging than at other ages.
Once they’re on the move many toddlers have a natural preference for exploring and investigating their surroundings over sitting or standing in one place for a photograph!
So how can you make sure that your photo shoot is relaxed and enjoyable?
A lot of it comes down to planning.
In this article, I’ll share my top five my dos and don’ts for a relaxed photo shoot with your toddler.
Do: Plan Your Shoot for A Time When Your Toddler Will Be Well Fed and Well Rested
If you have a baby, toddler or young child it’s really important to consider when they are at their best during the day. For most children, this is when they’re well fed and well rested.
Generally speaking, this is when children are at their happiest and most cooperative and scheduling your shoot for just after a nap and a meal or snack will make for a happier, more relaxed shoot.
Don’t: Feed Your Toddler During the Photo Shoot
But when they’re in the middle of a photo shoot and their toddler isn’t cooperating, many parents reach for the snacks. This is totally understandable. Most young children are calm and cooperative when they have food.
But it doesn’t make for great photographs. And when you’re investing in professional photographs of your children you don’t want them to be making funny chewing faces in your family photographs.
Instead, I recommend making sure your toddler is well fed before the shoot, and then keeping food out of sight until afterwards.
Do: Plan for How You Will Engage and Keep Your Toddler Focused
We find that the most effective thing parents can do ahead of the shoot is to spend some time thinking about the kinds of games you play with your child that are always guaranteed to grab their attention and make them smile or laugh.
Perhaps it’s singing an action rhyme, pretending to be the tickle monster or making a funny voice. For others it might be putting their child on their shoulders or swinging them up in the air.
Having a list of different things, you can do to keep your little one focused on you or me in the moment will really help us to quickly capture a variety of different photographs and make sure that your toddler enjoys themselves.
Don’t: Bring Toys That You Don’t Want to Have in the Photographs
If you have any special toys or books that you would like to include in the photographs do pack these for the shoot too. They can make wonderful additions to the pictures and keep your little one entertained whilst we take them.
But… I do recommend that if you don’t want a toy or book to appear in the pictures it is better to leave it at home or in the car.
Out of sight usually means out of mind, and we won’t have to upset your little one by taking it away from them.
Do: Ask the Photographer What They Would Like You to Do
But sometimes all this activity can have the opposite effect, and your toddler won’t be looking in the right direction or may become even more wound up.
If your toddler isn’t feeling cooperative the best thing you can do is stay calm and ask the photographer what they would like you to do.
This will depend on the situation.
Sometimes it is helpful for me if parents do try and grab their child’s attention or make them laugh.
Sometimes it’s helpful if they distract their child and engage them in an activity. On other occasions what works best is for you to step out of your child’s sight (where you can still see them of course); without audience children are often a lot more focused.
Your photographer will know what your child needs to be doing for the best possible outcome so do ask them what they would like you to do.
How to Have a Relaxed Family Photo Shoot with Your Toddler
1. Plan your shoot for a time when your toddler will be well fed and well rested
2. Don’t feed your toddler during the photo shoot
3. Plan for how you will engage your toddler and keep them focused
4. Don’t bring toys that you don’t want in the photographs
5. Ask the photographer what they would like you to do
If you have any other questions about booking a family photo shoot, please email or text/call us.